- To eliminate waterborne diseases and lower hygiene practice by promoting knowledge on use of water, latrine and behavioral change for healthy life
- To reserve the natural water resources without compromising full utilization of available water
- To promote knowledge on disaster risk reduction to the community through children studying in the school to become disaster resilient people in the mountainous area
Project components
- Water, Sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH) projects
1.1. Gravity system water post construction project
1.2. Construction of sample latrine and introducing use of latrine project
1.3. Hygiene promotion and Health promotion project
- Renovation of primary school with community participation projects
2.1. School building extension and renovation project
2.2. School library and cultural library project
- School base Disaster Risk Reduction projects
3.1. Promotion of Disaster Risk Reduction knowledge project
3.2. Behavioral change on use of natural resources project
- Sustainable Livelihoods projects
4.1. Farmer school training project
4.2. Hill-side cultivation to terrace cultivation behavioral change